Latest Zambian Music

Top Ten Lies Zambian Celebrities Used To Grab Attention


Top Ten Lies Zambian Celebrities Used To Grab Attention

Zambian entertainment industry has evolved on a big scale comparing to the last 10 years, from artists, actors, entrepreneurs and all the categories in the business which is a very impressive thing.

The growth of the Zambian entertainment industry isn’t only in its financials and technology but also in the numbers of people in it. New challenging talents have emerged of which the growth of people in the industry is leaving every artist, actor, entrepreneurs, dancers etc. desperate to remain relevant in the game. Well, some raw talents are surviving off the fact they are really natural flowing talents while other talents are hanging by threads.

Just like any other industry in the world, the Zambian industry people are fighting for recognition and attention from people and that has put them on some celebrity attack, similar to Arab attacks just that this one is harmless and useless just time and bundles consuming, lack of strong strategies to market themselves they are using their to seem as personal lives which are nothing but just lies to either attract sympathy, motivation or whatever it is they can get so long as it puts recognition on their products and businesses. The following are the top ten (10) recognized lies that were used to fool the people and fans of the Zambian industry.


10 – Kili And Kanina Kandalama Beef over a ka guy.

If stupidity was a sport, Zambian music industry would be full of champions.

These two faked a beef on social media, the beef started when Kili (the ugly girl in Roberto’s music video, So Long, not the blue haired one, but the other one who was looking like  Ivanca Bianka on drugs , specific duration of a video (2: minutes 38 seconds )) she posted a picture of her with a guy who happened to be Kanina Kandalama’s guy (the junky girl who used to think she was funny on TikTok with jokes so dry that you might need a glass of water to laugh) with a caption we have “never met but your man looks happy though” , then Kanina responded to Kili saying “Kili stay away from my man nshitobela ifyabupuba ba cee” , It went on and on each and every day it was getting so boring. See the beef was obvious from the word go that it was fake unless if you are that slow, they were promoting a song by Kili titled Why featuring Kanina Kandalama, which was a big flop by the way. They dropped a song and it dropped so fast that it missed its time to blow 😂.


9 – Chanda Brian’s Break Ups

First thing first, be careful of what you wish because you might just get it. Imagine as a girlfriend going through the break up experience while in a relationship, I mean yah it can be called a strategy but how stable is your mentality?

The Zambia’s entrepreneur Chanda Brian who’s been 22 years for more than 22 years, well established young man when it comes to business, easy promotions and easy sales. One of his greatest strategy to promote his business is making fake break up stories on social media to attract the attention from his audience and oh lord his audience is one of the stupid people, cause the statement “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me” doesn’t work on this people, its fool me every time and I will fall for it.

Well as much as his strategy goes, it always comes true because damn the boy is unlucky when it comes to love, as much as he puts in the money, time, love and effort he ends up being nothing but a financial break through or a ladder out of the poverty pit for his lovers. Give it up for prophet Chanda Brian, he can determine see his endings before it actually arrives. 👏

8 – Jay Rox Vs Roberto Beef

“If it’s selling then it’s good right?”, wrong. Just because you market it hard doesn’t mean it will sell well🥱. Jay Rox and Roberto engaged themselves in some social media beef (abaume fye) in order to promote Jay Rox’s album “Outside The Box”. The beef was over who was the first person to do a certain photoshoot stunt of which Roberto claimed he was the first one to pull it off then Jay Roc copied it hence the beef 🙄. Dudes were battling over a photoshoot ya dress anyway the album did not sell as much as they thought it would.


7 – Towela Kaira And Chile One Dating

An actor is the one who may play their part and recite their lines perfectly and still never know the true meaning of the performance they are creating While a Liar knows the truth behind every word they say and the fact they alter. These two lied to us trying to promote Towela’s song, titled Mutima. What even happened to that song aii?

Anyway at least they managed to get Chile One’s big ugly feet mocked, a less than a minute video was released of Towela in bed with Chile One which led to people praising Chile One because they thought he was smashing the Kira’s sister, well the only thing he been smashing lately is nshima in restaurants where he is failing to pay a full amount.(watch the video)


6 – Triple M And Tina Chilufya Fake Relationship

Fake relationships in the Zambian Music Industry seems to be one way of promoting crafts.

Triple M who happened to be known as a good friend of Aqualaskin (The Zambian Shakira) pulled a stunt on social media which was involving Tina (The girl with bums for herbs on social media)  who happens to be the ex of Aqualaskin, the stunt left people questioning what kind of friendship was between the two guys, as much as Aqualaskin was whining his Shakira waist on a woman who was older than him it still didn’t mean his friend can date his ex, We’ve seen such situations happen before and they end up bad. Well turned out to be a fake story the fake friend wasn’t dating the girl with bums for that of herbs on socal media. It was all to promote his single which was about to be released. 🙄, Vaupuba why didn’t he date her, I mean do you see her 😋🥵 eish you might forget you are opposing such behavior. It was lie


5 – Blake Beef With Yo Maps


If you want to become a man you have to beat the man, well it went sideways for the guy. Let me do some introductions, for those who do not know who Blake is, Blake is the guy who’s on the Chef 187 chorus for Nobody and he features on Macky 2’s 10 out of 10 project with his single Dirty. This cat’s arrival in the industry was fire, he showed up claiming that he co-wrote the one who wrote Yo Map’s Song Aweh and Yo Maps didn’t give him any credit well Yo Maps rejected the claim and said the dude was only around in the studio when Yo Maps was singing the song. Blake has released his Ep titled Zion of which isn’t promising that much it is about to # 😂 and his writing doesn’t sound like anything in style with Aweh. I personally call BS on that (Bad Suggestion).


4 – Chile One Dating Mwizukanji.

Another fake relationship but this one is quite interesting, because it was more than just a lie but also competition. So Chile One’s career is well recognized as somebody who was supposed to replace Yo Maps due to some issues which Yo Maps and his long faced wife did to the fans who put their nostrils in people’s relationships while theirs is so dry that it can be used a firewood at a funeral.

So Chile One being the chosen one by people he did all could to remain relevant, he pulled a stunt of putting up a fake social media stunt in which he was trying to propose to Yo Map’s ex wife Mwizukanji, with statements like I can do you better, you deserve better and other lies us men tell women to convince them. Well the song was successful, it was loved by people and all, it even led him to winning a number of awards at an expense of another artist whose wife was just a tick on social media but she is grown now and as people of Zambia we have forgiven her we are even voting for Yo Maps this year and Chile One too………… I think.


3 – Slap Dee Vs Cassper Nyovest

The King Slap Dee, one of Zambia’s top artist yah am still a big fan but damn, Slap Dee got himself involved in a social media diss with the South African rapper Cassper Nyovest, the beef had real words involved such as career threatening at the end of the day he was only trying to promote his song titled African Queen which was a big 😏. The sad part about that song was that we waited a long time for the release, well you know what they can say about building in silence, it’s not every time that you build something with sense. Well out of criticism it ended up getting Xain Signed.


2 – Macky 2’s Retirement

King Buga, Hip Hop Living Icon, grabbed our attention by force, he used our emotions to sell his album. Okay maybe not everyone but I personally felt used, I mean seeing one of the music builder and gate keepers leave isn’t something to take lightly but anyway feeling aside. Macky 2 during the Olijaba album marketing and advertising days he wrote, After The Olijaba Album Am Putting The Pen Down, we all fell for it, awe we streamed the album, kwenzeli ma 1 million streams in less than 1 minute, well he is still here and he doesn’t even seem to leave, we used our emotions king, next time you wanna retire we will just be like Oh Ok.


1 – Bobby East And Ruth Ronnie Sex Tape (The John Weak)

Well Well Well, We need a time machine right now because we are going back to 2014.

Robert Chunga AKA Bobby East and Ruth Mukanga AKA Ruth Ronnie released a sex tape which was believed to have aired without their concern (lies), well an investigation was being done on the Rapper and the model until they had no option but to agree being the ones who released the video. The court placed a charge of either each of them pay a fee of k8,500 or face 9 months in prison well they paid right? huh kaya apo but yah it was just another way of catalyzing their way to fame of which seems to have worked well for Bobby East.

Ok so you might be wondering why the John Weak right?, yah I know you are look at you, anyway.

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